We don't accumulate in autumn, but during winter! Under the layer of cold, fog and snow there are many suppliers of recovered materials who continue working and who generously give us what they no lon... + info
We are a street art company that uses recovered and recycled material and objects to create games. Katakrak is about creativity, play and recycling.
Latest news...
The prototype of 'Quina Animalada' has arrived!
This past Saturday, November 23, during the Jocjoc fair in Tona, we presented and played with the prototype of the board game "What a Mess!" designed by Martina Pagès as part of the 20th anniversary ... + info
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This August we delivered the eighth game for the Ducazaux Education Farm, the snail!. Ducazaux is a peculiar space where the magic of the forest, artisanal gastronomics and creative play spaces are mi... + info
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Interview with Sandra Sardà for Diario de Teruel
"There is no culture of 'building with hands', people cannot distinguish between a nail and a screw"Sandra Sardá es el motor de Katakrak, la compañía de arte callejero radicada en Vic (Barcelona) que gira en torno a tres ejes fundamentales: creatividad, reciclaje y juego. Da una segunda vida a lo... + info
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"Peus a la galleda"
This March 6, the companies of participative street installations of the "Col lectiu Galleda" will meet in Olivera (CAT), a cooperative of work and social activities that produces organic wines and oi... + info
Katakrak and Street Art Installations presents in the Catalan Arts documentary "Street Arts in Catalonia: Landscape of Creativity"
Installations participatives 11'30''... + info
Performance schedule
- 10/03/2025 - IE Vall de Núria ens visita al taller!
- 14/03/2025 - Día Mundial de los Derechos de los Consumidores, Alcobendas, Madrid
- 15/03/2025 - Ambulants, Zaragoza
- 11/04/2025 - De Fiksfabriek, Brugge, Bèlgica
- 23/04/2025 - Sant Jordi a Calonge
- 11/05/2025 - Ametlla del Vallès
- 07/06/2025 - Tast de Titelles, Sant Esteve de Palau Tordera
- 21/06/2025 - Bell Square, London, Regne Unit
- 28/06/2025 - Théâtre sur l'Herbe, Saran
- 23/07/2025 - Festival Olala, Lienz, Àustria